- Intel Quad Core Q6600 overclocked to 3.0GHz
- Gigabyte DQ6 motherboard
- 4 GB memory
- nVidia 8800GTX 768MB
- 2 x 250GB RAID0 OS/programs/games disk for speed (160MB/sec)
- 2 x 500GB RAID1 data disk for redundancy
- Windows Vista 64bit
- Antec P182 box
- Corsair 620W PSU
"It's a silent beast :)"
Also, my Red Momo wheel broke so I urgently had to get a new one. I was hoping to wait for the Frex FFB wheel but that is still a few months away so I ended up buying a Logitech G25. I must say that I am VERY happy with this wheel. The G25 pedals are also great but I will still replace them with Cannon Simulation Technologies CST-3B for a more solid construction. Finally, the G25 gear stick is of very cheap quality and will definitely be replaced by another H-shifter, probably the Frex HShift+ still.
Category: My SimRoom [cat_sr]
ehum...jag har för mig att du mesade ner den till 2.4ghz igen :P
Do you know anyone who will build a frexgp system for a fee?
I am in Boston, MA usa.
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